Viega Foundation – for a safe and healthy life

Water is life.
For 125 years, the issue of clean water in buildings has been a pillar of our global economic success - and a real project close to our hearts. With the Viega Foundation, we also provide direct support: by supporting projects in India and the USA, we help where we also leave a corporate footprint. We have been active in the North American market since 1999. Our subsidiary Viega LLC is based in Broomfield, Colorado, with production facilities in McPherson, Kansas, and in the future in Shalersville, Ohio. Since 2015, we have been present on the Indian market with our own subsidiary, manufacturing products in Sanand, training customers in our seminar centre in Mumbai and maintaining a sales office in Delhi.
The Viega Foundation: setting an example with WASH
The Viega Foundation focuses on projects in the field of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). India is actively working to improve the sanitation and water supply of its population. The Foundation supports this process by offering innovative technologies, comprehensive solutions and partnership-based advice at eye level. Through the Viega Foundation, we are advancing WASH in regions that we cannot reach with our traditional business.
WASH Institute
After successfully completing a project together in 2023, the WASH Institute and Viega Foundation now collaborate once again to support the small town of Vedasandur in the construction of sustainable and climate-proof sanitation. This includes a new wastewater treatment facility, trainings for sanitation workers, awareness campaigns on the benefits of climate-change-informed WASH, and new public toilets. These are particularly important for marginalized groups, who bear the brunt of the negative consequences of a lack in secure sanitation. The WASH Institute was founded in 2008 and focusses on providing the necessary know-how to local specialists, ensuring that all relevant knowledge stays in the communities once projects are completed.
Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS)
In close collaboration with Viega Foundation, the Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) heads a project near the West Indian metropolis of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Given advancing urbanisation and climate change, small towns need to prepare their waste(water)management for new challenges. The project therefore focusses on climate resilience in WASH and developed innovative new technologies for climate responsive waste and water treatment that run on renewable energies. CWAS was founded at the University of Ahmedabad and is part of the global avantgarde in connecting WASH and climate change.
WaterAid India
With the support of Viega Foundation, WaterAid India works in two small towns in the North of India to install climate-proof and sustainable systems for the treatment and recycling of wastewater. Reusing water saves resources and by making sure that all relevant know-how stays in the communities, this project gives inhabitants secure and lasting access to wastewater management – and thereby better health. Once the project is successfully completed, new knowledge can be shared with surrounding communities, maximising positive impact. WaterAid India is part of the global WaterAid organisations and has been active in India since 1986.
Completed Projects
Impact Foundation
The Viega Foundation supported the Impact Foundation, known as "Dasra," and its NFSSM Alliance in a grant project that provided advice to local and regional government authorities in poorer and disadvantaged states in Northeast India. In these often mountainous areas, the topography poses a challenge for efficient wastewater management. Decision-makers were supported in developing policies for wastewater management with the goal of providing people with access to safe toilets and sewage systems. The Impact Foundation is one of the most renowned non-profit organizations in India and plays a crucial role as a link between business, NGOs, and government institutions.
Since 2024, the Viega Foundation has supported PERIOD., a nonprofit organization founded by young people. PERIOD. aims to raise awareness across the United States about "period poverty." The organization helps individuals who cannot afford hygiene products by providing them with support in a straightforward and efficient manner. This includes not only the free distribution of products but also nationwide educational efforts to raise awareness about the issue. The Viega Foundation supported PERIOD.'s initiatives in Miami, Florida, as well as in Kansas and Colorado, where our subsidiary, Viega LLC, is based.
YUVA Unstoppable
Yuva Unstoppable focuses on mentoring programmes and school infrastructure improvements to create ideal conditions for education. In the state of Gujarat, a funded project renovated sanitation and other areas at schools to ensure around 2,000 children having access to clean toilets and water to wash their hands. A mobile container with filters allowed wastewater to be reused as grey water, for example for flushing toilets, which saves water. Founded in 2005, Yuva Unstoppable is an established Indian non-profit organisation that developed as a volunteer initiative to improve the lives of disadvantaged children. The Viega Foundation funded the project until the end of March 2024.
„As COO of the Viega Foundation, my goal is to bring networks together in a meaningful way and support initiatives so that they have a lasting impact – making a positive difference to people's lives in the long term. With a background of leading global grant programmes and training in business, philosophy and Indology, I am building the non-profit Viega Foundation to partner Indian and global NGOs to advance WASH issues.“
Medje Prahm (Chief Operating Officer), Viega Foundation
On its official website you learn more about the Viega Foundation and its activities. For legal reasons, a direct link is not possible.