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Hotel Mexico

The coomon spaces at Hotel Mexico in Cesenatico, Italy, are especially fresh and summery thanks to the use of white in combination with bright red and several design objects. (Photo ©Hotel Mexico)

Pre-wall solutions for high standards of design and function 

Hotel Mexico, located on the seafront in Cesenatico, Italy, reopened its doors in time for the 2012 summer bathing season. Extended by several rooms, a pool, sun deck and wellness area, the facility is now equipped with superior quality services and common spaces, and offers a greater number of comfortable rooms with a contemporary look. The words iconic and fresh imprinted in the design plan are the driving factors for this extension plan, set out by the architect Marco Cortesi; this is recognizable in every detail, even in the flush plates.

Visign for Style 12 and Viega Mono Tec

The common toilets as well as the en-suite bathrooms are fitted with a total of forty Viega Visign for Style 12 flush plates that have a white finish in line with the hotels' interior design. Used in combination with the Viega Mono Tec cistern (Italian standard), they make it possible to save water by selecting either a partial flush or a full flush.

Object Hotel Mexico
Location Cesenatico, Italy
Year 2012
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Italy