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Viega systems technology ensures revels without rue

The Jahnhalle has been the cultural hub of Regenstauf, Germany, for 70 years. Due to the ravages of time, a thorough refurbishment and modernisation of the popular meeting point was needed.

As part of the replacement installation for three cascading gas condensing boilers, Viega's Megapress press connection system for steel pipes to DN 50 was used for the pipelines of the central heating unit and the main lines to the heating circuits. "We normally weld black pipes like these. But that would have taken too much time because of the number of connections and the limited space in the existing central heating room. So it was simply better and quicker to use press technology," remarks the fitter on the job to explain the difference to conventional welding.

The right connectors for all transitions

The transitions between the various piping systems proved to present no particular problems. For instance, the radiators and the heat exchangers of the ventilation plant were connected using non-alloy, galvanised steel pipes from the Prestabo piping range. "But there was a suitable Viega connector for all the different transitions – and they were always delivered to the site on time. So there was never any need to improvise, and certainly not to find a stopgap. That saved us time as well," reports specialist Werner Wiese from W+F Haustechnik GmbH.

The remit was to ensure that the toilets combined functionality with a modern look. Therefore the planners decided on the Viega Eco Plus pre-wall system with WC flush plates and sensor-controlled urinal actuation. Then the flow-optimised Raxofix plastic piping system was used for the looped-through pipes behind the wall.

Flushing station guarantees 72-hours compliance

A flushing station has been installed in the restaurant of the Jahnhalle to safeguard drinking water hygiene: "VDI 6023 requires that a complete exchange of water in the piping should take place within 72 hours. To comply with this, we have included an automatic consumer unit: A flushing station has been installed in the cold water pipe," explains technical building plant planner Johann Ruppert. The station includes the Viega Hygiene+ function that registers usage interruptions and critical water temperatures. It flushes automatically on the basis of this information, which means that only water at risk through stagnation is removed and none is wasted unnecessarily.  

Object Jahnhalle
Location Regenstauf, Germany
Year 2016
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Renovation
Planning conduct GmbH, Regenstauf
Installation W + F Haustechnik GmbH, Beratzhausen