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Mercedes-Benz plant

Different industrial gases, a single piping system

“Unimog” and ”Actros” — these two Daimler brands have become almost synonyms for strong, robust and long-lived. The commercial vehicles have high-performance motors with long operational lifetimes. One of the most important factors contributing to this reliability can be seen in the specially hardened camshafts. Hundreds of these extremely durable camshafts are manufactured for Unimogs and Actros trucks every day in the Mercedes-Benz plant in Mannheim, Germany: The camshafts are hardened in an exact mix of oxygen, nitrogen, endothermic gas and natural gas over a period of around 15 hours and at precisely 950 °C.

One system for all gases

The complex hardening plant consisting of pipelines, manifolds, 'endomats' and 'carbomats' was due for a general overhaul. The requirement was to implement a new, uniform piping system that would be able to cope equally well with the differing pressures, temperatures and gas mixtures used.

The Profipress G copper pipe system, approved for all prevalent industrial gases, fulfilled all these specifications. Amongst other things this was due to the use of special HNBR sealing elements in the connectors: It is no longer necessary to take account of which gas flows through which pipe when it comes to selecting the right combination of connector and sealing element. The HNBR seals of the Profipress connectors are suitable and approved for all the gases used in the hardening process.

The sealing element is what counts

The sealing element is as important for the connector as the camshaft is for the motor: Every piping system is subjected to a range of pressures and temperatures, and each gas has its own set of chemical properties. The elastomer HNBR is generally used as a durable material for automotive drive belts. However, it is also used to produce seals that can withstand extreme chemical and thermal conditions. Thus in much the same way as the special hardening of the camshaft ensures long-term, reliable service, so do the high-performance sealing elements of the Profipress G components. 

Object Mercedes-Benz plant
Location Mannheim, Germany
Year 2006
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Industrial and commercial applications
Installation Kadel GmbH, Weinheim