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Perth College

The 50-metre, 8-lane swimming pool at Western Australia’s Perth College features a 72-panel EVT system. As the system was designed to produce high water temperatures, the installation company needed a highly innovative and effective copper joining solution.

Copper press connection technology for solar pool heating system

Located in the Perth suburb of Mt Lawley, Perth College is the oldest independent girls’ school in Western Australia. A key feature of the establishment is a 50-metre, eight-lane heated swimming pool, which is used by the school and Perth City Swimming Club for instructing, coaching and squad training purposes. It’s also home to the Perth Swim Academy and plays a key role in the education and development of the sport’s aspiring stars.

Heating efficiency

Driven by the desire to reduce gas water heating bills, the school decided to install an evacuated tube (EVT) solar pool heating system, which would produce twice the heat per unit area than a traditional flat plate panel option. In response to the plan, Supreme Heating WA installed a 72-panel EVT system. As the system was designed to produce high water temperatures, the company needed a highly innovative and effective copper joining solution.

“We needed a solution that could be guaranteed,” explains Craig Doncon, principal of Supreme Heating WA. “We looked at both the Viega Profipress system (Australian standard) and a competing system – and decided for Profipress because of its crucial high temperature tolerances.”

Wide sizing range

Supreme Heating used a range of fittings from DN 20 to DN 65. “Viega had a wide range of sizes to support the EVT system design,” Doncon says, adding that simplicity of use was another reason for choosing Viega. “The tooling is easy to use, lightweight and functional for repetitious work. Speed of work was also important. For example, using the Profipress system saved me around two weeks of work – and that included pressure testing.” 

Object Perth College
Location Mt Lawley, Western Australia, Australia
Year 2014
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Australia
Installation Supreme Heating WA