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Production facility of Zentis

According to its own information Zentis in Aachen, Germany, is Europe's largest marzipan producer.

Wonderfully sweet marzipan – a true taste sensation thanks also to stainless steel

Marzipan is not just popular at Christmas. And Zentis in Aachen, Germany, knows this better than most; according to its own information it is the largest producer of marzipan bread and eggs in Europe. Each day 110 tons of finished products are produced from 50 tons of raw marzipan. The three-shift operation is subject to the strict regulations for food processing in Germany. As an international company, Zentis must also comply with international quality standards as well as the standards prescribed by large business groups.

For example, all parts in contact with products as well as the drinking water pipes have to be made of stainless steel. For this reason, pipe networks from Viega’s Sanpress Inox range are used throughout the entire production facility. In addition, the surface-mounted stainless steel pipes also look significantly more hygienic than other materials.

Refurbishment without a break in production

As was only logical as part of refurbishment measures, the pipes were connected using press connection technology. As such, for example, the pipe sections could be replaced quickly and easily whilst production was ongoing thus avoiding expensive outages. In the past, given the risk of contamination from soldering and welding, this was only permitted on production-free days. A further major advantage of this technology: Part renewal in particular is possible without having to ensure that the valves and fittings are 100% tight. A pipe section can even be replaced if there is still residual water in the pipe.

Alongside considerably reduced installation time and expense, press connection technology also pays off due to the Viega system range: The in-house technicians at Zentis can easily keep a selection of pipes with different DNs with matching connectors and fittings to meet basic demands. This makes maintenance far more flexible and warehousing more manageable without tying up unnecessary capital. 

Object Production facility of Zentis
Location Aachen, Germany
Year 2008
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Industrial and commercial applications